Why Isn't He Buying VIP?

"Why isn’t he buying???”

Well...could be a lot of reasons.  But after over a decade in the club, I can tell you it usually comes down to a few things.

Some of those (his budget, his preferences, his personality) you can't control.  


If your pitches for VIP sound anything like this: 


Then I have an easy solution for you! The reason he's saying no tired, repetitive pitches is because they're just that.



The same way you don't ever give attention to the guy who stands on the corner yelling "Can I get your number?!" is the reason he doesn't respond to "it'll be SO FUN" in VIP! Because he's heard it all day, and he just doesn't believe it.

If you want another way to pitch VIPs, here’s how to switch it up:


  • Decide what you WON’T say. What I will avoid? Anything that customers hear over and over.  Your “do you want a dance,” “come to VIP it’s so fun,” “can I sit?” “How are you?” “What brings you in?”s Yes, they’re easy autopilot go-tos.  No, they don’t help you stand out, build a quick connection, or give him a good reason to spend on you instead of someone else.


  • Collect information.  The perfect ask is the one that tells your customer “I know what you’re here for, and I can deliver on that.” Whether that’s entertainment (“I’m about to play naked twister with my three best friends, and lucky you, you get to tell us what goes on what color”), intimacy (“I can barely hear you over the music…mind if I kidnap you somewhere where it’s just you and me?”) or a specific want (“I know you were very bad this week, let’s go punish you properly), if you know what he’s about, you know what he’ll respond to.


  • Keep it simple! Five price points, three locations, and a bottle price, a card price, and a cash price? That sounds like a math problem, not an offer.  If he asks about pricing, have one option ready to go, say it with confidence, and…


  • Give him an action! “Let’s go,” “Grab your drink and my hand,” “follow me if you want to live,” etc., right after the price.  Don’t sit around looking confused/uncomfortable, or letting him think his way out of buying.  He’s going to buy from someone…be confident that it should be from you!


And finally,


Ask everyone! I know, I know.  It’s so much easier to only ask the ones that like you, want to buy already, and seem like they’ll be all fun and no work….but let’s get real.. that’s a tiny percentage of the customers you’re dealing with. 

You already invested the time getting to know him, so don’t waste it giving him a low-price option first, or no VIP option at all.


If you want more tools to help you up your sales, come join us at 10 Sales Commandments on August 7th, 2024.  We'll talk through the sale from the moment you walk in the club until you're at home counting your $$$$, with tips to get the most out of every step along the way.  

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